Epic Games’ Monopoly Battle: Google Defeat, Apple Showdown

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Epic Games' Google Defeat, Apple Showdown

Epic Games, the creators of the iconic Fortnite game, recently secured a surprising victory in a legal clash with Google. This unexpected win centered around accusations of Google maintaining an illegal monopoly within the Android app market. The speedy verdict, delivered after just three hours of jury deliberation, has paved the way for a new chapter, where Epic Games is now gearing up for a potential face-off with another tech giant, Apple.

Victorious Underdog: Epic Games vs. Google Monopoly Claims

In the heart of San Francisco, a federal court witnessed a rapid turn of events as Epic Games triumphed over Google’s alleged monopoly practices. The accusations stemmed from the tech giant’s stronghold on the Android app market, a scenario echoing Epic’s previous legal tussle with Apple. The unexpected win has shifted the spotlight to the impending clash with Apple, adding layers to the ongoing saga.

Monopoly Fallout: Google’s App Store Policies Under Scrutiny

The crux of both legal battles between Epic Games, Google, and Apple revolves around the contentious in-app purchasing fees imposed on developers. These fees, reaching as high as 30%, prompted Epic Games to challenge the status quo in 2020. The move resulted in a temporary removal of Fortnite from both app stores and triggered legal actions against the tech giants.

Google vs. Apple: Divergent Paths in Monopoly Allegations

While Epic Games successfully portrayed Google as a perpetrator of illegal monopolistic practices, the narrative took a different turn in the case against Apple. Apple’s closed-off app ecosystem, often referred to as a “walled garden,” appeared less susceptible to antitrust enforcement. The involvement of a jury in the Google case, as opposed to a judge in the Apple trial, played a pivotal role. Epic Games’ strategic storytelling, casting itself as the underdog against Google’s alleged misbehavior, resonated effectively with the jury.

Behind the Curtain: Google’s Tactics Exposed

Throughout the trial, Epic Games shed light on Google’s dealings with app developers, showcasing initiatives like “Project Hug.” This project involved substantial incentives offered to major game developers to keep their products exclusively in the Google Play store. Epic Games and others were offered significant sums to discourage them from establishing rival app stores.

The contrast with Apple’s case is apparent. Katherine Van Dyck, senior legal counsel for the American Economic Liberties Project, pointed out, “In the Apple case, it’s simply that Apple only has one App Store and won’t allow any others.

Epic’s Underdog Narrative: Winning the Jury Over

In a departure from the Apple trial, where a judge decided the outcome, the Epic vs. Google case had a jury delivering the verdict. Juries, known for their receptiveness to compelling narratives, favored Epic Games’ underdog story. Mark McCareins, a business law professor, emphasized the impact of inflammatory emails and questionable documents on swaying the jury in favor of the plaintiff.

Epic Games' Google Defeat, Apple Showdown

Critics, such as Carl Szabo from NetChoice, expressed skepticism, stating, “It’s clear that Epic was able to bamboozle the jury into setting aside facts and law and then somehow paint itself as a victim to achieve this outcome.”

Google’s Self-Inflicted Wounds: Legal Backlash and Evidence Troubles

Not only did Google face legal challenges from Epic Games, but revelations in a separate Department of Justice antitrust trial further tarnished the tech giant’s image. The use of “history-off-chats” for corporate communications, automatically deleting messages within 24 hours, raised concerns. Judge James Donato criticized Google’s handling of evidence as a “frontal assault on the fair administration of justice,” pointing to the intentional suppression of relevant evidence.

Donato’s rare instruction to the jury, allowing them to infer negativity towards Google for missing evidence, marked a significant moment in the trial. Carl Szabo criticized the instruction, claiming the jury was permitted to imagine damning evidence that might not have existed.

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What’s Next for Google’s Play Store? The Aftermath of Epic’s Triumph

As Epic Games celebrates its victory, the fate of Google’s Play store hangs in the balance. Judge James Donato, an antitrust veteran, has declared a personal investigation into Google’s alleged destruction of evidence. The outcome of future rulings will determine the course of action for Google’s Play store and its compliance with the law.

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