eBay Hit with $3M Fine Over Harassment: Spiders and Roaches Included

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eBay Hit with $3M Fine Over Harassment Spiders and Roaches Included

eBay faces a $3 million fine over a 2019 harassment campaign targeting a Massachusetts couple. The U.S. Department of Justice charges eBay with ‘absolutely horrific, criminal conduct’ in a cyberstalking nightmare orchestrated by former employees, including live spiders and a bloody pig mask. Former eBay security director James Baugh and others have faced legal consequences. The legal fallout includes a hefty fine, a deferred prosecution agreement, and eBay’s commitment to ‘upholding high standards of conduct,’ but questions linger about executive involvement, adding complexity to the company’s road to redemption.

The Cyberstalking Nightmare Unveiled

The U.S. Department of Justice is coming down hard on eBay, accusing the company of a laundry list of criminal charges, including stalking and witness tampering. The Justice Department didn’t pull any punches, calling what happened “absolutely horrific, criminal conduct.”

Let’s take a step back to 2019 when this whole mess began. The eBay employees hatched a dark plan to go after the Steiners, who were running an e-commerce newsletter that wasn’t exactly singing the company’s praises. The tactics these employees used were beyond creepy, going from online threats to straight-up surveillance of the couple’s home. And it didn’t stop there – they sent some truly disturbing items, like a bloody pig mask, a funeral wreath, live insects, and even a book on dealing with the death of a spouse.

eBay engaged in absolutely horrific, criminal conduct. The company’s employees and contractors involved in this campaign put the victims through pure hell, in a petrifying campaign aimed at silencing their reporting and protecting the eBay brand.

U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy

Former eBay security director James Baugh and the company’s former director of global resiliency faced the music in 2022, getting sentenced to prison. But the aftermath of this cyberstalking campaign isn’t over; the Steiners are taking the company and former CEO Devin Wenig to court in a civil suit. As Joshua S. Levy stated, “We left no stone unturned in our mission to hold accountable every individual who turned the victims’ world upside-down through a never-ending nightmare of menacing and criminal acts.”

eBay Hit with $3M Fine Over Harassment Spiders and Roaches Included
Source: Jacob Kepler/Bloomberg

The Legal Fallout and Company’s Response

Now, eBay is set to pay a hefty $3 million fine as part of a deferred prosecution agreement. To make amends, the Department of Justice is making the company keep a close eye on its conduct with a corporate compliance monitor for the next three years and beef up its compliance program. eBay, to its credit, owned up to its past mistakes, saying it takes responsibility for the misconduct of its former employees.

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But, here’s the kicker – the legal battle isn’t wrapping up with this fine. The Steiners’ civil suit against the company and Devin Wenig is still hanging in the balance. They’re accusing the company of a campaign that included threats to their lives. Despite the legal heat, eBay is standing firm, promising to do better and learn from the nightmare of 2019. As eBay CEO Jamie Iannone stated, “The company’s conduct in 2019 was wrong and reprehensible. eBay remains committed to upholding high standards of conduct and ethics and to making things right with the Steiners.”

eBay’s Former Executives and the Lingering Questions

The Feds played a crucial role in holding eBay accountable for the cyberstalking campaign, with Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy not holding back in condemning the company’s involvement in criminal conduct. While some former employees faced convictions, there are still questions about how much higher-up executives knew.

The Steiners, in their pursuit of justice, feel let down that more top-level executives weren’t thoroughly questioned during the case. The legal battle shines a light on former CEO Devin Wenig, who, despite being tied to some unsettling text messages, wasn’t hit with criminal charges. These messages suggest a desire to take action against Ina Steiner, the publisher of the newsletter, raising concerns about the culture at the company during that time.

As the dust settles on this shocking chapter in eBay’s history, the $3 million fine stands as a stark reminder of the consequences companies face when internal misconduct spirals into criminal actions. The Steiners’ civil suit, still pending, adds another layer of complexity to the company’s efforts to rebuild trust and make amends for the wrongs committed in an attempt to silence criticism. The road to redemption for eBay is bound to be a challenging one.

eBay Hit with $3M Fine Over Harassment Spiders and Roaches Included
Source: Reuters

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