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Microsoft’s Shady Tactics Cherry-Picking AI Examples Exposed

In a startling revelation, leaked audio unveils Microsoft’s deceptive strategy of cherry-picking examples to portray the Security Copilot AI favorably. Microsoft Security Partner, Lloyd Greenwald, admitted, ‘We had to cherry-pick a little bit to get an example that looked good because it would stray.’ This exposes the dark side of AI development, where selective examples and hallucinations cast doubt on the integrity of Microsoft’s generative AI technology

Uncovering Deception in AI Development

In a shocking revelation, leaked audio exposes Microsoft‘s questionable practices in crafting its generative AI masterpiece, the Security Copilot. The insights, laid bare by Microsoft Security Partner Lloyd Greenwald, bring to light a disconcerting facet of the technology’s early days.

Cherry-Picking: A Disturbing Strategy

The heart of the matter lies in the strategy of cherry-picking examples to showcase the AI’s prowess. Greenwald’s admission in the leaked audio about the model’s stochastic nature and its tendency to provide inconsistent responses raises eyebrows. Selectively choosing examples to present a favorable image casts doubt on the reliability of Microsoft’s generative AI.

Peeling Back the Layers of Security Copilot

Security Copilot, akin to a chatbot, operates on OpenAI’s GPT-4 large language model. Early access to GPT-4 provided Microsoft with a gateway to explore the untapped potential of generative AI. These early demonstrations, as explained by Greenwald, were initial explorations into the capabilities of the technology. Much like its predecessor, Bing AI, Security Copilot faced challenges during its early days, frequently producing hallucinated responses.

The Challenge of Hallucination

Hallucination, a persistent issue with large language models (LLMs), became evident in Security Copilot’s early iterations. The AI, relying solely on its standard dataset without specific cybersecurity training, often provided responses inconsistent with reality. Greenwald highlights the challenge of eliminating hallucinations, emphasizing the need to ground the model with real data.

Pitching the Universal Model

As Microsoft pitched Security Copilot to government and external customers, the focus was on the benefits of a universal AI model. The idea of using a single model for various tasks seemed promising, despite the initial limitations. Greenwald admits that the capabilities showcased during these presentations were somewhat “childish” compared to the sophistication achieved later.

Access to GPT-4 and Evolution

The narrative takes an intriguing turn with Microsoft’s early access to GPT-4, a tightly restricted project. This marked a shift from Microsoft’s initial pursuit of developing its machine-learning models for security. GPT-4 presented a new avenue, and the company explored its potential in the cybersecurity space.

Microsoft's Shady Tactics Cherry-Picking AI Examples Exposed

Navigating Challenges and Embracing Improvements

Greenwald acknowledges the limitations faced during GPT-4’s security testing, where the model was shown security logs without specific training. This method, while revealing the AI’s potential, also highlighted the challenges of hallucination. Microsoft’s subsequent efforts involved incorporating its data into Security Copilot, enhancing the system’s grounding with up-to-date and relevant information.

The Road to a Real Product

The revelations from the leaked audio raise questions about Microsoft’s transparency in its presentations to government entities. The cherry-picked examples, though showcased during demonstrations, leave uncertainties about their usage in official presentations. Microsoft’s commitment to minimizing hallucination risks involves leveraging its internal security data to enhance the AI’s reliability.

Unveiling the Dark Side

As the dark side of Microsoft’s AI practices is brought to light, questions arise about the ethical considerations in the development and presentation of generative AI. The revelations demand a closer examination of the industry’s standards and practices, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in the pursuit of technological advancement.

Unraveling Microsoft’s AI Journey

In this exposé, we delve into Microsoft’s journey in developing Security Copilot, revealing the challenges, pitfalls, and ethical concerns associated with cherry-picking examples to present a favorable image of their generative AI technology. The narrative exposes the intricacies of AI development, highlighting the importance of transparency and ethical considerations in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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